Library Databases

Library Databases


Academic Search Ultimate
A broad based interdisciplinary college level database but with considerable coverage of historical topics of all kinds

HeinOnline Academic
Largest fully searchable database: government documents, federal/state law/cases, journals, with comprehensive coverage. Primary/secondary material on slavery, religion and the law, capital punishment, more. Knowledgebase
AAS Historical Periodicals Collection
The American Antiquarian Society's collection of US periodicals, documenting American life from the Colonial Era through the Civil War & Reconstruction
Accessible Archives
Primary source collection of 18th-19th century American newspapers and other materials Library Edition
Utica University's subscription to, the internet's most popular genealogical research source
Index of articles taken from the table of contents pages of journals
World historical newspaper archives on the web
GPO - Government Printing Office
Indexing and access to a wide range of governmental publications

Especially strong in history and related areas; a scholarly, full text journal archive. Includes e-books
Military & Government Collection
Collection of periodicals, academic journals and other content
New York Times Historical (1851-1993)

New York State Historic Newspapers
See also our history research guide for more newspaper sources

Oxford African-American Studies Center
Historical and contemporary resources focused on the African-American experience
Project Muse
Scholarly full text e-journal collection
ProQuest Research Library
Articles and research information on all topics
U.S. History Collection
Index of magazine and journal articles
War & Terrorism Collection

World History Collection

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Frank E. Gannett Library

Frank E. Gannett Library

1600 Burrstone Road
Utica, NY 13502-4892
(315) 792-3041
(315) 792-3361 (fax)

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